Monday, August 1, 2011

Not as good today

Mom's more out of her head today, motor mouth, topic switching rapidly, repeating herself, forgetting things that happened earlier today, adamant, stubborn, and saying things that are not and were never true, but are grounded in reality enough to make you think they might be - like a dream state of sorts.

We had a social worker come to try to get her to sign her Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Will and she absolutely refuses to do it, saying she does not want anyone to starve her.  We've all explained it to her, but she just can't get it.  The social worker explained that, if needed, Dad and us kids can make decisions for her, whether or not she has those documents in place, but it's easier for insurance and legal purposes to have them.  I'm wondering, "Easier for whom?"

Her BP has been up, but they're watching it carefully and treating it with fast-acting drugs to adjust it downward when needed.

She had an MRI and echocardiogram(?) this morning and the heart looks good, all healthy, no issues there.  We don't know the results from the MRI yet.

We're trying to keep her quieter, limit visitors more. Visitors have been Amy and Mike, Sadie and Kyle, Dave, Brandon, Mikayla and Becca, me, Dad, Chris, Jenna.

I had a terrible night.  Up every few hours to go to the bathroom, hot, cold, achy.  Not sure if I'm having a fibro-flare or getting sick or just super-stressed.

Benji, Mom's "Grand-pup", has been a champ, very loving, and excellently well behaved at Katrina's. He really helps me.  That's a big relief - she has such a beautiful home and has been so generous to let us stay there. 

More as soon as I know it.

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