Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fibro patients more likely to fall

OK.  They already determined that I'm older than Methuselah (brain-wise), now they're finding that people with fibromyalgia are 7 times more likely to fall, that middle-aged patients have the fall rate of the average 80 year old.  No wonder I can't ride a bike any more!  I decided to stop about 10 years ago after splatting in the street one too many times.  And, after too many splats, I'd been told by family, "You can't go high.  You have to work at floor level, no ladders, no climbing up on counter-tops."   And I'd been so pleased that I could paint ceilings by walking on counter-tops.  One of the few advantages of being short.

National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association applauds new study shedding light on relationship between dyscognition (fibro fog) and balance deficits

In recent surveys, persons with fibromyalgia reported balance problems as one of the top 10 most debilitating symptoms....

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