Monday, August 8, 2011


Mom talked with Dot Burns, a high school friend, for a long time by phone this morning and it cheered her a lot.

She said this morning right away, "Hey it's Pam Swain's birthday!". Good brain!

Dad Charlie and I are all here at the same time this evening. She's a character. And she has completely forgotten the words Please and Thank-you and she has no qualms about demanding what she needs. She chats up the staff constantly and if it weren't for the zipper on her head and the complaints about the bed and the food and the noise you'd think she were having the time of her life, enjoying the attention.

The nurse says she will be discharged tomorrow or Wednesday. Planners will help us determine if and where she should go for therapy near home and what home care insurance will cover.

As I was writing this she spilled hot coffee all over her and the bed. No serious damage. They cleaned her up and changed her and got her situated in her chair with her food tray. She sat there a minute and said "Well now I spilled that too. I guess I'll just sit here and spill things. There's nothing else to do." That hit my funny bone and I started giggling hysterically. She said, "Well I might as well be silly about it! I've decided it's the only way to be! Life's too short! I think I'll just be as looney as Aunt Garnet for the rest of my life!"

That really got me laughing.... And in the next second she spilled her tray of food all over herself and the floor. Dad was upset until he saw me laughing like crazy.

Hence ROFL.

I explained to him later what was so funny. The spillages really were the fault of this goofy multi-layered tray that slides hither and yon when you're trying to use it.

She's talking to another long time friend, Acena Shelton, now. She says she would like to talk to her little sister soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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