Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Visit this evening

I just spent the 2-hour visiting period with her and she is doing well in her spirits and well with her neuro exams. Her BP was initially high but I sang soft songs to her and the nurse administered pain meds and it came down to about 147 over 86. Her pain is now down from a 10 to a 5. For some reason she had not complained and gotten more pain med when she should have. We'll have to watch that with her.

She seemed to be reviewing every good time we ever had together.

Also she wants the James to have a Carol Miller center with her quilts on the walls and automatic hand sanitizers that you don't have to touch to make them work. A place for patients to go where there are no beeping machines and for families, for comfort.

Bob and Shirley had just been here to visit before I came in. I missed seeing them but Mom was very glad to have seen them.

Oh and she has yet another hematoma, this time on her lower abdomen. The doctor and nurse speculated that it happened as they were moving her into the right position on the surgery table. The nurse marked its size so they can watch it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:The James SICU

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