Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This morning's update

The nurse says Mother is more forgetful today, but resting more quietly so far.  All of her vitals are very good.  The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow but they won't know what time until early in the morning.  Today, they're just getting her ready for surgery, and will probably give her blood products to strengthen her for the surgery.

Chris and I have been taking time to rest in the mornings and going into the hospital late. Today did yoga stretches for about 30 minutes together. Last night played Katrina's baby grand and chatted. Katrina and Chris are bonding and Chris asked me today if she could keep Katrina for a friend. Of Course! I'd love that, too. Katrina says we can stay as long as we need to, but she'll go on about her business so we'll have to be self-sufficient. Is that a great frient, or what?

Ben has been great and Katrina's getting attached to him, can't get over how good he is, how gentle. He's been doing his usual not-eating thing when he travels, and then eating only when I get home. Last night she was scooping squishy food up with her hand and letting him lick it off, which she did for 6 months for her cat who had cancer.
All is as well here as it could be. 
Hang in,

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