Monday, August 1, 2011

Carotids OK'd

The results of the carotid artery tests are back and all OK.  There will be no more tests or results today and they/we are trying to get Mom to settle and rest.  She has a better bed, now, an air bed, and is lying flat, which she prefers, but she just won't stop talking and settle.  We've been keeping most visitors out, just a few or only one in, but she still talks and talks.  So we're trying getting everyone but staff out and hoping she'll get some rest.

I'm headed out to test for a UTI and get some rest myself, at Katrina's.  Dad went home to rest, as did Dave's gang.  Chris and Jenna are on duty here for the rest of the day.

We believe they're just waiting for the blood thinners to clear out, and although I asked about the abdominal MRI, the nurse on duty had just come on and was not sure about its status, whether still planned.  She's to tell Chris who will let us know. 

Keep praying!

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