Thursday, August 11, 2011

Carol's Treasures

Chris and I had some laughs, a nice hike in the woods, and an excellent dinner in Amish country. It was good to be away from the city and out in the green.  Dear Dad said he wanted us to rest and take a break from visiting Mom, which is tremendously tiring because she talks so rapidly and demands so much.

But, it's been one of those days, for me, when the tears were very close. Chris and I kept coming back to, "What if...?" and "When might...?" and lots of puzzlement over the things Mom's been saying lately, some funny, some poignant, many very, very sweet.

Which brings me to something I tucked away until I could find time to transcribe it for you, Carol's Treasures.

She jotted all over the brochure from the James hospital before she went to surgery, pondering some of her favorite memories. The hospital staff had all been telling her what a Treasure she was, and she had taken to saying to everyone, "I'm a Treasure!"

With that in mind, I'm sure, she jotted down the following for her "Treasury". It's apparent that the random and rapid topic switching was already happening, but still, there are precious tidbits of Carol here.

Reunion Next Year [for a while, there, she was all about planning next year's reunion]

Wear name tags!

Theme: The Treasurers

Today I treasure the memory of Aunt Jane. She called to say, "Are your peas ready?" "Not yet, Aunt Jane." "Well, I have to shell peas and I want to help."

A few days later Pete dropped her off and she came hot footing it down through our yard.

"Look at Charlie's taters! Don't he raise the best garden!! Let's shell the peas behind the garage in the shade of that big pin oak tree where it's quiet and cool."

What fun we had working together! What a precious memory. What a precious gift to have fun wherever and whatever needs doing. What an example she set. What a reminder of what it was like on the old farm as they worked together at each important job while enjoying one another’s' company. How generous for her to remember to help me, teach me, share with me and expand my understanding of how to get jobs done the fun way.

I treasure the time June said, "Mom, why don't you name my new baby. There has to be someone in the family with no one named after them." Before long, sweet little Erin Gale Conway came into the world proudly named by Florence Swain after her brother Ernest Gale Barnhart.

Being at Marshalls in Barberton and hearing my Aunt Garnet's special call, "Hooo ooo Hooo ooo Hooooo" and knowing she was near and anticipating a great visit with her.

Aunt Garnet - the glue that holds us together and keeps us a family!

Enjoying a fish fry and hush puppies from Aunt Doris's skillet.

Loving every minute on John & Beth's porch in Ocean Isle Condo, NC.

Treasuring time spent with Beth, Jane and Lori. Remember the hang gliding hill at Grandfather Mountain.

Once at one of his great wiener roasts, Uncle Ernie said, "That Charlie Miller is the smartest man I know. Not only did he marry Carol, he stayed married. He had great children and we're proud to know them all."


  1. Becky I need the address where Aunt Carol is living please, I may have overlooked it!

    Jane Patty Kill

  2. Let her know I was thinking about or trip ( failed trip) to see the NC Battleship that one year when the car broke down. I got to sit in her lap the whole way back to Wilson, What A TREASURE!

