Thursday, August 25, 2011

At Peace Today

Mother has been very well today, much more conversational, less delusional, and very appreciative of the kind words and cards and gifts flooding her way. 

Chris and her friend Katy came down to visit, Dad and me, and Charlie and Sadie.  Uncle Ted is expected tomorrow.  She received a nice poster from Katie of photos of their last camping trip with "We Love You Grandma" on it.  She talked with her sister Doris for a long time this evening, on her new TracPhone.  We told her there's a rule she can't talk on it after 9 PM so that hopefully she won't bother people too late with it.

She's still forgetting what the next steps are with her appointment at the James next Thursday, and has to keep asking.  She talked with Chris like she was going to go there for an extended time for treatment and when Chris tried to correct her, she got belligerent and told Chris not to boss her.  I got a little of that tonight helping her with hanging new photos and things on her walls.  She tried double-stick tape, but you had to peel the cover off after attaching it to the paper, and she hadn't done that.  She insisted it would not work and when I tried to show her that she needed to peel the cover off, she got mad.  Last night she was trying to sew a moccasin together (no idea why, the kit seemed to show up in her room, she says she bought it a long time ago) and was trying to put a piece on the right moccasin that was already in place there.  She didn't like it when I showed her the trouble there, either.

Who can blame her!  It must be terrible to see yourself loosing your mental abilities little by little, one by one, day by day.  She needs so much help now, mostly with tasks and task sequencing, and she's used to being completely independent and so active, both mentally and physically.  She is a dear, and I do treasure her so much.

She marveled at all of the nice things Chris and Charlie and Dad and I are doing for her to make her as comfortable as possible there.  I told her we had a good teacher about how to nurture another person - her.

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