Sunday, August 14, 2011

Carol Reruns

Mom is doing ok. Walking well. Still manic. Jabber jaw. Not all true. Swearing a lot. Running a tape over and over, repeating the same stories every hour or two. She has lost a portion of her vision - she realized she can't read today, but she is hoping an eye exam and new glasses might fix that.

But she is still perky and happy except for not being allowed to go home and too many people bossing her! She faulted me for that and I apologized and explained that we are all trying to keep her safe and well. Just as she gave me heck for cautioning her about the bumps in the walk she decided to sit down on the seat on Evinrude and he slid toward the edge of the sidewalk that dropped off to the parking lot surface. She then had to ask for help because she couldn't right the situation herself and she noted the irony of needing help at the same time she proclaimed she didn't need help or people bossing her!

Did I tell you she calls her walker Evinrude? After the character in the Disney movie The Rescuers?

She also has this ongoing story about how one of the doctors at The James commented on how huge her sons were there, standing outside her room. She says that he commented, "Those aren't men. Those are trees!".

Well that got her started, thinking through the family tree. She has been assigning tree names to everyone in the family. Dad chose to be the PawPaw tree. Jenna is a Crabapple. Chris is a Sassafras tree. I am a Dogwood, or the Moon Tree, our climbing tree at our house on County Line that was so tall it was like going to the moon, Davey said. Eric Richards is a Buckeye tree. David Miller is a Redwood (my "little" large brother). Charlie Miller my next younger very large sibling is a Sycamore tree.

She wants me to type up the list of her trees, all the members of her rain forest, she says. She wants everyone to be part of her rain forest, so decide what tree you want to be and tell her.  We told her we can bring her supplies to make a big family tree of her trees on the wall of her room here at Autumn. I figured we might as well go with the notion - it's making her happy to think about all of her "trees" and she has made lists of dozens of people to be in her rain forest.

She still thinks a lot about her "treasury" and wants to make a treasure box, at least a picture of one, in which she can put all of her treasures, her people.

Here are some photos. Mom during our visit last evening.

A pomegranate plant that Chaz and Jami sent, and flowers from Kate and Jase and Charleigh.

Porch at Autumn.

More of Autumn

Cows from the porch

Benji is allowed to come visit and be in the building. He gets very excited about it and I had to settle him sternly this evening. Mother won't touch him because she "needs to stay sterile as a cotton ball" so she doesn't infect her incision. That expression comes from a movie, she says, in which a woman kept getting pregnant and thought she had finally found a man who was as sterile as a cotton ball and then she ended up having twins. I Googled it, and found that she must mean "Where the Heart Is", a 2000 movie with Natalie Portman.

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