Saturday, August 27, 2011

Granted Another Day

This morning Dad and I were woken by a call from Autumn at about 7:30.  They were sending Mom to the hospital by ambulance because she was "non-responsive".  We dressed, called Charlie, called the neighbor to get Benji, and left.  We called Chris on the way.  It was a tough ride into the hospital.  We were both pretty sure this was going to be the end.  When we got there, they asked us to wait while they "checked her in", but her room door was closed, which seemed to confirm the worst.

Then they came and said she was awake, talking, and wanted to see us "to tell us the good news" [that she was OK].  We went back and she was completely lucid and alert and knew where she was, and why.  "They said I was nonresponsive."  The doctor came in and examined her and wanted to run blood tests and a CT scan to check for hemorrage.  Both came back normal - for her - little or no swelling, no bleeding, tumors are maybe the same - I didn't see the originals, so not sure, but we'll take it to the James Thursday for their assessment - and they discharged her.  She walked out of the ER and into Dad's van and we took her to Autumn where they had breakfast waiting.

I talked to the nurse who called the squad and she said that at breakfast in the dining room a resident spoke to Mom and didn't get a response, so they called a nurse who also got no response.  They moved her back to her room, but she was dead weight and not conscious for a good 10 minutes.  Then she opened her eyes, but that's all, about the time the squad arrived.  They could not get a BP reading, but she was breathing and had a pulse.

So we had a scare, but have been granted another day with her.  Chris, Jenna, John and his girlfriend and their neighbor Katy came down to visit.  Also Amy and Mr. Neff and neighbor Betty Shoemaker.  Mom played Euchre and Euchred Katie!

I'm back at Mom and Dad's resting now.  After that wake-up I'm not feeling too well.

Her sleepiness and this loss of consciousness are signs of the disease's progression from what I've read.

See Symptom Timeline if you are brave.

If you talk to Mom, don't mention these events or the more gruesome details.  She's aware of the Blog and is glad people are getting updates, but it un-nerves her when she thinks people know about things she doesn't know yet.

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