Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blog Bubble is Burst

My Blogging Bubble is Burst.

Generally the feedback has been good about the blog.  Folks far away like Aunt Doris and Jane and Lori, and my friends in Tucson, think it's great and have thanked me for it.  I was trying to do the right thing and do a good job of keeping people informed, as well as record all of the wonderful things coming out of her amazing brain.  Even with crossed wires, Mom has a wonderfully creative and precious imagination.

But, I'm getting friction about it here, from Mom.  She's concerned that people know things about her that she doesn't even know, and I can see how that might make her feel.  I can't think of anything on the blog that she doesn't know, but it's possible she has forgotten what she was told when she was sicker than she is now, so now she thinks it's news when someone tells her they heard about it on the blog. 

I think she is becoming more self aware now that she's on the Seroquel, and she's maybe wondering about what has occurred when she was sicker, and self conscious that she has been the topic of conversation with so many people. 

She does continue to ask me to give the blog address to various folks so they can keep up on the news, though.

It's hard to know what to do.

Anyway...for now, I'm going to go lighter and not publish as much. So don't think anything's wrong when you don't hear from me every day about Mom.

Today she was great, visiting with me and Chris.  She has quilt pieces for a baby quilt with her that she gathered up Sunday when she was home and is pinning them to get them ready for stitching.  I told her I'd stitch them if she tells me where and how.  She could bring her sewing machine into Autumn, but they don't recommend it.  And her room is getting quite full. 

Marty Kuder, a high school friend, stopped to see Mom this afternoon.

Chris gave her a manicure and we had dinner together at Autumn.  Not long afterwards, though, she was tired and went to bed early.


  1. Bec...I have to thank you again for the blog...if my opinion counts,please don't stop informing us about Aunt hard as it's been to read at times, it's been more of a blessing to know what's going on (especially since we are so far away).
    It's more of a miracle that your Mom is still here, and ALL of us are grateful she's able to communicate, walk, and make us laugh!!! I'm sure it's hard on Uncle Chuck, and her kids especially because she's not herself, but at least we ALL still have her here with us! Your Mom has told me she knows she talks a lot, and has said it's because of the meds. I've told her if she has something to say...say it...who cares!!! I've enjoyed our talks, even when we were having an earthquake, in Virginia!! She's a "treasure" lets embrace it!!!! Love to all, Lori

  2. Ihope you know we all appreciate this blog, helps shorten the miles. I've always loved every minute Shred with your parents, treasures, treasures,treasures!

