Sunday, August 14, 2011

Doing Corn

Today we did Dad's corn. When Benji and I woke up at 10, Dad and Chris were in the garden finishing up the picking.

Next comes shucking.

Part of the corn

Ice ready for cooling

Staging area

Then blanching - 3 minutes in boiling water.  I had 3 pots of boiling water going all at once



I love to eat those milky planks of cold corn

Cobs afterwards

Cutters, Benji keeping the floor cleaned up of any stray kernels

Chris packing the corn into quart bags

Charlie was our bag labeler, stager, stower into freezer, fetch and carry guy.

I was so hot that sweat was dripping into my eyes to I went and dug out a babushka.  Actually, an apron of Mom's I tied onto my head, to become a "towel head" as Charlie satirically dubbed me.

32 quarts of corn in all.  We were finished by about 1:30.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Can I be a peach tree, from Georgia, lol if not make me a nut tree!
