Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dahhh da dahhhh da dah dah dah dah, Dahhh da dahhh da dah...

Mother has decided she wants to dot the "I" at an Ohio State football game.  She has been practicing the fight song, yelling, "Go Bucks!", and marching with Evinrude up and down the halls, going, "Dahhh da dahhhh da dah dah dah dah, Dahhh da dahhh da dah...."

I asked, "Mom, when did you get to be such an Ohio State fan?"  She never liked football at all in the past.  She said, "Well, I was at the James Cancer Hospital in Columbus, and I could see that arena outside my window all the time [which was true] and I kept waiting for that band to come and practice.  I could go practice with them, don't you think, even if I have to have a wheelchair?  I could dot the I with a wheelchair if I need to.  I think they oughta let me do that, don't you?  I mean, it's a medical emergency, right?  And I'm a James Cancer Hospital patient!"

Unbelievable, the things that the mind comes up with and stores, and the things created when it short circuits.

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