Monday, August 8, 2011

She's here, but she's not

We are really dismayed at how bizarre Mom is acting and very concerned that no one person will be able to stand her for long when she comes home, that we'll need to take shifts.  And who knows if she will be safe at home now.

Leaving Dad alone with her could be the ruin of his health.  It looks like it would be the ruin of any one person's health.  This could be very wearing and a very long thing.  She is very strong physically, healing very rapidly, and very bull-headed, more than usual, even.  It's already not her, it's like she's gone, but not gone.  Her personality is very changed and her inhibitions non-existent.  The tumors are in the parts of the brain that manage those things:

Frontal Lobe is one of the four lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. It controls attention, behavior, abstract thinking, problem solving, creative thought, emotion, intellect, initiative, inhibition, reflection, judgment, coordinated movements, muscle movements, smell, physical reactions, and personality.
She bosses everybody and anybody and complains constantly to anyone who will listen.  Nothing is good enough, not the food, the amount of food, the type of food, the bed, the size of the bed, the age of the bed (she thinks it's old and should have been thrown away long ago).  She has decided Susan is going to burn the house down with her cooking style and lectured her about it.  She lectured Dan about his fighting career.  She told me she wanted to be read to, Little Women, and I paused at each chapter end and asked if she wanted more, and she said "yes".  Then, the next day she complained to Chris that I bore her with that reading, that she knows that book inside out and doesn't need to hear it all again.

She has decided to be a one-woman entertainment center for all of the staff.  She has this strange "Arnold Horshack laugh", Chris calls it.  She says that Uncle Bruce told her to be fun with the staff because they don't get much to laugh about.  So she tells them all the same stories over and over.  She has this loop running in her head that repeats at regular intervals, with very little variation.  She does remember what happened long ago and what happened yesterday, but her compulsion to rant on and on on the same topics does not seem to change.  Maybe one new topic a day gets introduced.  And she is slowing slightly.  We can only hope that when the steroids are completely out of her system that she comes closer back to her true self.

Last evening I remembered to ask what she wanted to do with her bald hair spot when she leaves the hospital, whether it would bother her to have people see her wound exposed and would she want to wear a cap or something.  She has this shorn oval area over her right ear about 4" x 3" with a 10-inch U-shaped incision running toward the back of her head from the temple and around under her ear, with metal staples in it.  It's absolutely ghastly and could scare small children - and adults.  She said, "I'll tell you what I told Chrissy.  Hang up a good picture of me with hair and get the hell over it.  I don't want to do anything with it.  The doctor will decide what I'm supposed to do with it and no one else."  Alrighty, then.

I keep telling myself, "Do unto others".  That's all I know to do.  Correcting her doesn't help - she just gets more angry and rude.


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