Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today's Update on Mom

She's had 2 very good days.  Her health has stayed stable, and her mood is good.  She's been very lucid, with only a few slips all day, that I noticed.  She's bruised around her arm from the BP cuff, and on her right hand from attempted IV sticks.  Her injured knee is waaaaaaay better than it was.

Aunt Peggy and Pam, Uncle Ted and Cheryl, and Aunt June came to visit from the Akron area today.  Rachel and Dan came this afternoon, and Drew and Jessica this morning.  Then Chris and Jenna this afternoon and Charlie and Susan this evening.  We started out saying we wanted to keep her with only 2 visitors at a time, but the day wore on and Mom was doing so well, we let about 4-5 at a time, and she insisted it wasn't tiring her.

We're settling down, now.  Dave and his kids are on their way from San Antonio and should be at Dad and Mom's later tonight.  We advised them not to come to the hospital at the late hour he would be arriving, around 10 PM, but to let Mom rest for a big day tomorrow.

Tomorrow they'll run another MRI to compare to the first and to assess how her brain swelling is doing.  They'll have the heart surgeon who did her carotid artery surgeries (before - years back) in consultation, as well, and look at her current vitals and decide whether it's time to do the surgery.

Chris and Jenna and I are all staying at Katrina's, and Dad's been commuting from home.  For now, we're all holding up well, but having our tearful moments, too.  Mostly good times and positive energy here, though.  The staff all love Mom and keep telling us that she's a real honey.  We know that.  We've been lucky to know her for a long time.  The staff here have all been absolutely outstanding.

I have wireless internet access at the hospital but it's not as easy to use the phone, so I'll try to post frequently here tomorrow as we learn more.

Bless you, and thank you for your prayers.

Love, Beck

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