Friday, July 29, 2011

More Bad News About Mom

Just talked to Dad and Chris and Mom at the hospital.

They just completed reviewing the MRI with the doctor.

Mom's situation is very grave.  The tumor is about the size and shape of a lime, behind her left temple, above the ear.  There are a few other smaller tumors as well.  The swelling is severe and worrying, and is extending down and beginning to encroach where her spinal fluid needs to flow.  The steroids are helping that not to worsen, or slow it at least.  They're concerned that it's too dangerous to do surgery now because of her being on blood thinners.  They've taken her off them and are waiting, and hope to do surgery Sunday or Monday if she doesn't worsen before then.  They also need the surgeon who did her carotid artery surgeries to test to be sure they are still OK.  For now, she is stable, has eaten and is feeling well.  She's still completely lucid, but sounds scared, as anyone would be.  Dad is numb, Chris tearful.

As soon as I finish this, I'm working on a flight home ASAP.

Love you'ns.  Pray for us.

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