Friday, July 29, 2011

Very Bad News

We learned yesterday that my Mother has a brain tumor.  She was not lucid and acting not herself, and her BP was 190/120 so Dad and Charlie took her to the hospital ER in Cambridge.  They diagnosed a brain tumor and sent her to OSU Medical Center by ambulance.  Drew met her in the ER at the hospital last night and was a great comfort to her.  She was relieved to see a friendly face amongst so many strangers.  Dad had been too upset to talk on the phone to anyone, and his hearing loss frustrates him tremendously.  For whatever reason, he and Charlie went home, Chris went to Dad and Mom's last night, then drove to the hospital with Dad this morning.

I spoke to Mom and Drew last night and Mom was doing much better, was completely lucid, felt much better, but was tired and hungry - they'd not given her anything to eat all day.

This morning she saw an oncologist and was soon to see a neurologist.  The tumor is large and is pressing on the left side of her brain, and that's dangerous because it could cause loss of function.  They gave her steroids to reduce the swelling and plan to biopsy today.  They're now waiting on an MRI.

That's all I've heard so far.  But I will probably be coming to Ohio soon, and may need to call on my Columbus friends for help, and maybe lodging.  Rachel, my niece is in Columbus and could visit Mom a lot except that she has twin 6-month old boys and a 4 year old boy to manage at home.

I'll keep you all posted here.

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