Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunny and Warm!

Sunny!  For the first time in four days.  I'd really missed seeing blue sky!

Indoors, though, doing laundry and talking to Social Services (about Medicaid), Hospice, Autumn Billing, and Dad, who is blue and angry after opening the bill from the James last evening just before bed time.  He's angry that they charge so much for their services, that they're not happy until you not only lose your loved one, but make the man left behind go broke in the process. I don't know why it makes him so mad, but it does.  They have Medicare, good insurance from Blue Cross, and probably Medicaid, so hopefully it won't do what he fears.  But the process is excruciating in the meantime, wondering, all the paperwork, seeing all the big dollars, feeling so out of his element and helpless.  Yeah, that's it...the helplessness of it.

We meet with Hospice at home this afternoon.

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