Monday, September 26, 2011

Coming Home to Tucson Tuesday, October 4th - A Week from Tomorrow

I finally decided to book the flight even though Symphony hasn't let me know a start date at Cedars Sinai.  I did work on my 2010 taxes today and found that I don't have everything I need to finish them with me, although I tried to grab it all that day long ago back in July when I packed frantically and left to come "home".  They're due 10/16, and that's just one of many reasons I need to get back. 

My medication shipments have become nightmarish, also.  

And this house is too damn hot!!!  Seriously, 82 degrees and rain-forest humidity is crazy!!!  That's enough to make you sick!

Odd how I'm using that word, "home", these days.  I just read a book about Swedish immigrants to America in the 19th century, and it was such a horrible journey and irrevocably a one-way trip, for most.  They just didn't have the means to go back if they wanted to.  The lead character keeps trying to adjust her thinking to "Home, America", and "Away, Sweden", but it doesn't work for her.

I think my Blog here has "Visits Home" as a Label, and that originally meant "Back to Ohio".  Now I'm talking about "Home" as Tucson.  I have missed it, a lot.  I've missed being in my own home, A LOT!  And even though I'm going to be super-paranoid about all the critters my neighbors in Tucson have been seeing, I still want to go back.  Uh...the latest was a mating pair of rattlesnakes - rather large ones - on a neighbor's front stoop.  Really scary photos, those were.  But still - I want to go back.  It felt like the right place for me.  I felt well there.  And I miss my mountains.

So...CMH nonstop to PHX on Southwest Airlines - here we come!!

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