Sunday, September 11, 2011

Granted Another Picnic

This morning Dad and I took Mom to their church in Old Washington. We were late and arrived during the "greeting everybody" part and the Pastor and lots of others were thrilled to see her.

At the end of the service she stood and sang the last hymn next to me, but after the benediction and a few folks coming over to wish her well, she stopped responding to us. She slumped with her head forward and was very clammy and had just a blank stare. We talked to her a bit and offered orange juice (she had only a small amount of yogurt for breakfast) but she was unable to take it, and then we decided to call the squad.

The sanctuary of their church is upstairs with only a small elevator, so we were at a loss about how to move her or take her on our own. The squad guys found low pulsox, couldn't get a BP or blood by lancet even trying fingers on both hands and her wrists. They moved her dead weight to the end of the pew and then put her on a lift chair and strapped her to it to get her down the little elevator.

Again at the hospital she woke up and started talking within about an hour. They found nothing wrong with her lab tests. So again she walked out of the ER without Evinrude.

Chris had come down and brought an awesome picnic lunch so we all went back to Autumn and sat on the screened porch and had lunch. She was in a pretty good mood and ate well.

So we have been granted another picnic, another day.

Dad is having entirely different feelings about bringing Mom home after today's experience. But no decisions are made.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhoney

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