Sunday, September 11, 2011

And Monsoon at Home

From a neighbor in my Tucson neighborhood, "We had 2.40 inches of rain in our gauge this morning from last night's storm.
I drove around the neighborhood at the height of it and all the washes were 6" deep. Water was backed up behind the wall at the end of Patawatami to about 8" -- it was flowing over the side wall to the right."

"Washes" are what they call areas that are usually dry riverbeds or dry creek beds most of the year, but become awash during the monsoons. They run from the mountains and all through the neighborhoods. Some are huge concrete things that I wondered about at first. They look totally unnecessary, like real overkill until you see them running high with white caps at the height of a storm or just after.

Tucson...I miss it. I miss my mountains. Especially hearing that we are supposed to get 35 degree temperatures at the end of the week here in Ohio I'm ascared.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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