Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just realized one of my posts never came through, from last evening

Yesterday, she had eaten breakfast (just a few cookies and a little coffee) and went back to bed and stayed all day.  When we questioned her she said she was just resting, or didn't feel like getting up, she admitted to Charlie she couldn't get up, but told the home health nurse that she was just resting up for the movie in the evening, so we were concerned, but waiting it out, thinking maybe her vomiting the day before had upset or depressed her just as she was getting ready for chemo.  She didn't want any pain meds or any liquid at all, and she never got up at all.

At about five last evening Mother complained of extreme pain, and admitted she could not get up. I called home health and they said they had nothing on order they could give her so it would be a while before we could get a doctor's script and get it filled at that hour.  Rather than have her wait so long we decided to call the squad so her pain could be treated.  They took her to Southeast Med where they administered comfort care, but at our request, no further tests.  They were unable to transfer her to Autumn last evening, so we brought her home for the night with oral pain meds, which she was able to take and was comfortable through the night.

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