Friday, September 2, 2011

Lord Help Me to Remember...


Help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that YOU and I together can't handle." 
This caught my eye in Mom's room at the farm as I cleaned today.

Good one, especially for now.

Last night at dinner I told Mom and Dad that my next big goal was to catch up the laundry. And I did. About 6-8 loads for all of us.

And I gave Mom's bedroom a good cleaning in preparation for her coming home today. I thought she'd want to nap so had changed the bed and made it up, but she didn't.

She had slept all morning at Autumn, then Dad brought her home for lunch. When I asked how she's doing she said, "Crabby, really crabby today." They played cards a while and Dad said she did really well until she tired. Then she napped in the chair most of the afternoon, and was very quiet all day.

I pulled up the latest photos of Kate's camping and Rachel's family, and she enjoyed seeing those.

They're headed back now, and Don and Jane Carr are coming to see them at Autumn.

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