Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Starting Work in Los Angeles the 26th

I expect to begin at Cedars Sinai on Monday Sept. 26th for an initial 6-month contract.  I'll be writing Clarity reports and helping to train others.

I'm probably going to book to PHX for the 23rd and then take a shuttle to Tucson.  Then fly to LA that Monday or Sunday night, maybe.

It would be a 4-day week at Cedars.  Symphony wants me to try to take on Akron and OSU as well if they are part-time, so they can get their foot in those doors and then get more help there and move me out of them if Cedars remains full time.  It could be very hectic, but very good and interesting in the short term.

Chris, Charlie and Dad have been very supportive of my going back to work, although they're going to miss me here.

I'm really pleased with this outcome because of the weather, and because I have 2 friends already working at Cedars.  Dean, who I shared an office with at TMC is full time at Cedars, and Karen, who was our Training Manager at TMC is there part time, last I knew, supporting a go-live.  Both say the hospital is in a nice area.  Karen stayed at an apartment or the Beverly Hills Hilton when she worked there.  I'm excited, too, because of the cultural life in LA.  Rather than commuting back to Tucson, I would have the option of staying the weekend, saving the plane fare for the company.  I love art museums and want to get to the Getty on a weekend someday.  And the aquariums.  And the theater.  And to some favorite haunts in Santa Monica that Rod showed me when I visited.  Someday.

It's so strange to think of these things while Mom is there at Autumn, sick and unhappy.  It seems unconscionable, in a way, to even consider leaving her.  On the other hand, what happens with Mom, and when, is going to happen no matter what I do.  It's just that I want to be there with her, to comfort her and help her through it.  I hope I get that chance again.  But she'll know I love her and am with her spiritually.  We've had lots of time together to establish that, and she has blessed me many times for it.  Poor dear, getting so sick.

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