Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blah Day

Mom and Dad went to the Quilt Show at the Caldwell Soakum Festival this morning and all went well with Mom.  She didn't even bring Evinrude.

I haven't felt well all day and had to take pain meds, muscle relaxer and stay in bed a while this morning.  Frustrating.  The weather was very pretty most of the day, although we got a good soaking shower today and last night.  The house is still 82 degrees inside, very sickly and oppressive, from the wood-burning heater.  Dad is pleased he's keeping Mom nice and warm.  I'm finding the 35 degree drop in temperature when going outside with Benji a bit difficult.  My muscles just tighten up and spasm.

Chris came down and we worked on organizing Mom's meds for Dad and preparing for them to get even more complicated with the chemo and radiation.  She brought groceries and made chili in the crock pot, and had fresh banana muffins made already for us.  That woman is a wonder.

Charlie and Susan visited a while, too.

It's good that Mom is showing interest in things, just a little more than she had been lately.  She worked a lot of crosswords and cryptograms today, too, something I'd not seen her do since before the surgery.

Thanks again, all, for your support and love through this ordeal.

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