Monday, September 26, 2011

Chemo Drugs Arrived

Today the the UPS guy, or "Big Brown Man", as an acquaintance's daughter calls him, brought Mother's chemo drugs first thing.  The James had them shipped from a Columbus pharmacy.

Dad is really scared about doing this, and he made Mom promise to cooperate.  The chemo came with one pill per bottle for 42 days - odd.  But I think it's because we're not supposed to handle them or have them in contact with any other meds in a container.  Jessica says they're generally handled with gloves at the nursing homes.

I have a call into the radiologist to see if we can be scheduled today.  They've still not let us know when radiation is supposed to start.

Yesterday Chris and I organized the meds list and she filled the boxes of all of Mom's other drugs for Dad again, so he can just pull out and give her the right ones at the right time.  He's finding this really stressful.  He's really scared about possible messing it up.  But I think it will be fine.

We're expecting a visit from the Southeast Home Healthcare nurse today, and they have ordered more time from the Aid so that Dad will have some time to himself.  She sees that he's going to need that.

Odd...we're sitting around talking about chemo and radiation.  It doesn't hit me emotionally any more like it did.  I think I'm suppressing it while I deal with the logistics.  Dad doesn't seem to be able to do that.  He continues to be distressed much of the time and continues to have a hard time sleeping.

We are all really grateful for the support of friends and family.  We had a casserole from Joyce Atwood Saturday evening, and now are well supplied with chili from Chris.  Not having to think about food is a huge blessing.  There's just too much else to think about and track.  Every day I think I'm going to get my 2010 taxes done and every day ends up filled with Mom's stuff or visitors.  The visitors are the best part, although she's still pretty quiet and hard to get talking.  Games are working well.  She likes to play games and stays involved that way.

We're pretty quiet here, just hanging around, hanging in.

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