Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good Day, Good Dinner, Good Book

Mother had a very good day, is completely herself, although a little quiet and sad (seemingly - she doesn't express this). She wants to come home and it looks like she'll get her wish. 

Dad brought her Papa John's Pizza for dinner.  Benji and I visited and I started reading her a new book that we enjoyed a lot: A Common Life: The Wedding Story.

Autumn explained to Dad today that:

1) Mom has to continue doing her physical therapy, or Medicare will stop paying, and
2) Medicare will cover only 2 weeks of care at Autumn after she starts chemo and radiation.  After that two weeks, unless she is too sick from the treatments, they'll be arranging for her to come home under hospice care, which is only provided 3 times a week.  We'll probably eventually have to come up with other people to stay and help, as well, because we still fear she won't be safe alone.  I'll be available until I get called back to work, and maybe even can continue while working remotely.  A hospice rep will come to the house to see what we need to do to get it set up for her safety and comfort.

Mom had been bucking the physical therapy routing, getting tired of it, telling them to go away when they came to get her for it.  She thought they were waking her in the middle of the night to do it, which they weren't.  That's some of the reason she was irritated by it and gave them trouble over it.  She understands from Dad, now, that she has to do it devotedly or she may not get to come home.

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