Sunday, October 30, 2011

From Benji: An update on my Mommy

Hi. Mom doesn't feel like writing right now so I will. To tell you the truth she has been pretty glum. But you know her, she just keeps going anyway and tries to be nice and smile even when she was just crying hard an hour ago.

She worked like a maniac the whole time we were home this weekend, cleaning house, cleaning furniture, scrubbing windows and the bathroom. Every time she gets like that I go lay down somewhere hoping she won't get the idea to wash me, too.

She did her massage with Page and that crackling thing that Bryan the big guy does to her. She usually takes me along but not this times. I think I've sort of been on her nerves lately but that's easy because her nerves are pretty jangly.

She went out with Page somewhere for a nice-smelling chicken supper and seemed happier when she got home. But then she started doing laundry and played piano, all sad songs, until early in the morning!

This morning she called Aunt Chris and sounded like she wanted to cry again. But Aunt Chris talked firm to her and then we went to Angelica's place where she sticks needles in Mom and she lays still while I wait. She seemed a lot better after that and her neck and shoulder were not as stiff.

I know this is a boring post but we have been sorta blah lately. Now we are back in our other home in that big city place they call "L" "A". We had a good trip here and everyone is nice to me. I made two new friends on the parking bus and had a good walk around the hotel block. Mommy keeps food for me here and some of my toys so it's sort of like having two homes.

I just never know what she's going to do next. I hope she takes me to the dog park like last week (even though the big dogs scare us a little there) and maybe to another dog party. Last week we found a big dog party with lots of dogs and people dressed up silly, and free treats and stuff. It made Mom smile and forget her sadness for a little bit That would be fun again.

Hope everyone back in Ohio is doing OK. I miss visiting there and loving up all the Grandmas at Autumn and playing fetch with Grandpa in the evenings.

Here's me in my new rain coat.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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