Monday, October 24, 2011

Mom was awesome again yesterday

From Chris while I was in the air yesterday: "Mom is awsome again today. I almost would swear nothing is wrong except for the sore on her behind and a little lack of energy. Aunt June came in.

Dad was going in tonight and some of the Weaver clan were due in about 430.

Beck our Dad is the sweetest Momma was breakin his heart with her gratitude and love for him today then i called tonight to see how their visit went. he
went on and on to me about how much he appreciated me coming down so much. he is really one of a kind. we walked in the woods a long time this morning and he was teaching me more kinds of trees. we are truly blessed to have had these parents! I hope you had safe travels i love you!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have the parents you have. Your folks are so smart and have always shared what they know.....

