Thursday, October 6, 2011

Update on Mom from Guest Writer Chris

Excerpted from Chris in a letter to brother David:

"Hey baby brother, I have been forced to my computer to keep you all updated re Mom.  I'm actually having fun exploring my little HP Mini while Mother is napping.  She was better today then yesterday Dad said.  She was up in a chair when I arrived.  She enjoyed a couple of pieces of Dove Dark chocolate I brought for her and I helped her eat some fresh pineapple I brought from home.  I told her I asked for a lunch tray with her and I was excited we were having spinach lasagna.  I made the comment that surely they couldn't screw up lasagna & she quiped, just wait & see, or something to that effect & we laughed.  I was able to give her a manicure and a hand massage which she enjoyed and after lunch she was able to use a walker and get to the potty with just one assist. Yesterday I guess she was not able to ambulate without at least 2 assists.  She got a pain pill after lunch and is resting now. 

I asked the nurse about neurological testing at Beck's request and she said she is evaluated daily, and that they work as a team with her hospice nurse to be sure she is getting on-going care.  The nurse at the desk said having her in Hospice is a good thing, that's what she would have done for her Mom, they get more individualized care that way.  She also asked my about Chemo & radiation and she agreed that Mother would only have suffered from the side affects and probably not benefited at all from that therapy.  She agreed that it would have also increased her risk for infection as I suspected and may have led to more trouble/pain and an earlier demise. 

I hope your family is well, keep plugging along everyone. 

Remember to cherish the happy times you've shared.  My friend lost her brother aged 51 this week, very unexpected heart attack, another reminder to me to look for the good in life and try to remember that each day could be the last one for any one of us. 

Love and Kisses, Aunt Chrissy"

Chris also reported to me that Mother's lower leg and foot were soaking wet and Mom didn't remember at first how that happened, then remembered spilling some water.  It's a concern I suspected last week when I massaged her feet, that she can't feel her feet.  Before, she complained when I massaged them that it hurt her arthritis.  This last time, they felt very rigid and she did not complain of pain with massage, a bad sign, I thought. That's why I asked what sorts of neurological exams they're doing, and how frequently.

She also had trouble getting her head to tell her hand to let go of Evinrude after her walk.  So although her strength seems good so far, her brain signals to her body seem to be erratic.

Bless you all for the continued prayers and cards to Mom.  It's really amazing what a large circle of friends have reached out to her and visited.

Cousin Jane Patty-Kill and Aunt Doris Swain are coming to visit this weekend from the Kansas City area, and nephew Chaz Miller and his wife Jami are coming from Houston, too.

Photo taken in early July on my other visit home, at Easton in Columbus, OH:

1 comment:

  1. We won't be able to make it to Ohio this weekend, Aunt Doris is not able to walk well with her broken hip socket and is afraid she will damage what progress in healing she's made if she tries to sit for the fifteen hour drive. We are all very sad about the situation. We may shoot for Thanksgiving! Jane hope tomskype you this weekend Aunt Carol!
