Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Is Well

All is well with me and Ben in Tucson and Mom is fine as well.

She had Dad, Charlie, Susan, Sadie and Kyle worried 48 hours or so ago but yesterday was again better, stronger and more lively.

Chris went down again to spend the weekend because Dad is frazzled and needed the help.

We noticed her neuro symptoms coming and going so I talked with The James and they agreed that it's probably related to swelling vs tumor so a low dose of steroids would probably help her quality of life for a while. They were going to coordinate getting that going with hospice.

Meanwhile Bennie and I are unpacking, doing laundry, shopping, repacking, cleaning house and enjoying long walks before heading back out to LA tomorrow. And resting, although it has been hard to wind down.

Below is a glimpse of the state my house is in. The fireplace hearth and kitchen and entry tile are new, having been in progress when I left. The rest is a slow work in progress.

I'd been going to put down laminate floor where you see the old brown tile but am reconsidering because my arthritic feet are bothering me quite a bit. It may need to be carpeting.

New entry and kitchen tile:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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