Sunday, October 16, 2011

Skyped with Mom today

Today Chris and Eric visited Mom and brought the laptop so we could Skype (talk online with video). She was feeling OK and alert and clever, even. I told her about Los Angeles and how Ben is loving it and I'm having adventures looking for an apartment in West Hollywood.

I do see changes from when I left. She is obviously weaker, not moving her torso at all and the left side droop of her face is worse causing her some trouble talking and eating. But today she was still so "her" even offering advice at times and saying "I still love ya!"

Selfishly I'd been missing my ability to call her and relate my troubles and adventures. I've been feeling more alone in the world, just knowing how little time we have left with her.

They said Amy and Mike had been to visit and while I was on the phone her neighbors the Weavers called to ask if they could come sing for Mother today. They did come later but I couldnt listen in, although I wanted to, because I was headed to the Airport.

She told me how her cousin Phyllis at the reunion had loved the applique quilt she was working on and took photos to show friends at church. When the folks heard about Mom's illness they decided to make her an afghan and it came to the house this week. Very sweet thing. I wonder if some of the folks at Mt Zwingli could do something similar since Mom was a member so many years. maybe a lap robe or quilted bed jacket?

Ben and I are safely settled at our hotel this evening and it already seems less daunting than it did last week. I was just so tired Friday from working, walking Ben, looking for a cheaper place to live, and finding my way around in this heavy traffic that I was pretty dismayed. But better now.

good night all

(Benny in his new rain coat)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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