Thursday, October 13, 2011

Excerpts from Texts the Last Few Days

Chris: Mom was about the same for dad today as she was for me yest pretty good i am going down tomorrow for a meeting with social worker. love u mailed yr gift to az today!

Meeting was just to see if we were happy which i warmly thanked eveyone and said we
were. they are going to dial backthe pain med dose to
see if we can get her up more for better circulation

Becky: sounds good!

Chris: Are u glad to be going home weekens? seems like a hassle for 1 day with travel

Becky: for now yes but not for long. seems like a short trip. finding apartments now within reason. gay area which is very safe. :)

Chris: Unless someone likes u too much!

Becky: Oh. its men 90%

Chris: Those are usually the least amount of trouble and can be good friends. i bet it feels good to be using your brain for something else besides worry and cancer stuff

Becky: yep but stressful. paranoid always worried about boss sniping or saying I'm not fast enough. some days i want to give up both houses, rent cheap and be an admin somewhere.

Chris: Youll be awsome. just be confident in yourself they cant believe it if u dont!

Becky: right!! remember i told u about craigslist dude sounding like scammer? bumped into same one on a different property using different name. almost the same wording. reporting it to internet authorities as we speak.

Chris: So he really was a scammer?

Becky: i didnt go find out. i stopped and just reporting it based on the email evidence that its not real

Chris: Feeding mom she is telling tales and called me becky

Becky: tell her to call me and sing happy birthday

Chris: Ill try

Chris: Wow sorry no singing barely made it to bathroom and took 3 of us. she lost the ability to stand or sit up mid way. you can tell there's no body to her spine at all anymore. reminds me of victor meeker from kvams kinder camp.

Becky: dont remember him. poor dear thing. tell her i send my love.

Chris: He had no ability to straighten, wore a big brace and when we went swimming without it he was just jello boy. very sweet and precious not sure of his diagnosis

Chris: She told me "right back at you!" strange hows shes in and out of lucidity

Becky: yipes! murphys [condo i still own near Colunbus] garage door broke. another $280 out of my pocket.

Chris: Should be deductable ? If the tenents broke can u subtract from their deposit?

Becky: no, probably wear and tear. repair guy says theyre both springs quite old

Chris: Thats the lot of home ownership its looking more and more like a bad idea to me spec since repairs are so $$$

Chris: Mom was good again today. meeting was not necessaryreally. then june and garnet came to visit also chuck susan and chaz and rick was supposed to be comming. jen
lost tonight she played well though ill talkwith you tomorrow sometime love you!

Becky: luvu2
youve had quite a week. its like youre commuting to Cambridge. poor booty. take care and rest it and the esofagus. any kid u could hire to mow?

Becky: good here. you wouldnt believe the stuff im seeing! so different here !

BUT that's another post!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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