Monday, December 12, 2011

Story Pirates

I've been meaning to tell you about something I did weeks ago.  Uncharacteristically, I actually got "out" in the evening.  Usually by the time I work and take care of Benny, it's all I can do.  But my co-worker, Ryan, was going to this "thing" and invited me, and I was feeling up to it, so I went.  The thing turned out to be a combination sketch comedy, stand-up comedy, kids story telling drama event, where adults act out stories written by children.  It's part of a literacy initiative.

It was a riot - I loved it.

Read all about it here, and if you ever get the chance, go to check it out.

It's on the UCLA campus.  We had dinner at a vegan restaurant afterwards, then went to the "must go" place for dessert, Diddy Reese's.

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