Friday, December 16, 2011

Results of Lab Tests - and My Legs

All normal except one liver enzyme test slightly high.  We've seen that before and my PCP monitors it.  I have my MRI last Monday.  I can't get into the doctor to review the results until January 9th, though.

In the meantime, my legs are still very painful.  I had a few days this week when I thought they were getting better, but the last two have been bad again.  They get so bad I can't walk fast at all, I'm walking very stiffly, and literally am struggling to make it across the street before the lights change.

So I'll be eager to hear what the rheumatologist here says on the 9th and what the next steps will be toward tracking this down.  Both the rheumatologist and my chiropractors say it seems like a vascular problem because it stops hurting when I stop moving.  We shall see.

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