Monday, December 19, 2011

Better Now

I am better than this morning.  Still feeling a little off, but I've been up and around without vertigo, and was able to eat a bit.  Slept about three hours on the couch with my faithful companion.  The worst was not being able to take him out.  I finally grabbed a tall umbrella for support and went downstairs to our complex dog park in my jammies and clogs.  I found I was not the only one in very casual attire and messed up hair.

I've been looking online at causes of vertigo, but nothing seems clear.  I'm hoping it's a bug and it will go within a day or so.

I have been texting with Chris today because she went back down to be with Dad and Mom.  They feel Mother's road to heaven is short now.  The Pastor was there praying with them, but Mother didn't know it.  Charlie took Dad to eat and have a break because he had not eaten all day.  Chris, of course, is overwrought.  I keep reminding her what good she is doing there.  I hope that helps her a bit.  There's so little I can do here except be a sounding board for those dealing with the most ugly details of the destruction of my Mother.

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