Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost Christmas!

Things are looking a bit dim here today. Yes it's almost Christmas. Most of my shopping and shipping is done but as usual I had hoped to do more. And plan to do more for my Tucson folk Friday. But myohmy am I sick today.

I noticed some vertigo when I got up in the night. So reminded myself to take it slow getting up in the morning. Good thing I did. Every time I stand or sit or shift position the world starts rolling crazily and I get nauseous and clammy. Yuck! So I have decided to stay down!

I used a tall umbrella for balance to get downstairs long enough to let Benji pee. But he's all whiny wanting his walk and worried about me.

And Mother's decline is very painful to watch. Praise the Lord she is not in pain, though! Her confusion is greater. She makes little sense when she talks now and doesn't often talk. She is still eating but chokes a lot. Chris said she saw a definite decline from Wednesday to yesterday and the nurses are noting it as well.

Benji just came over and climbed up on me here on the couch and whimpered over me then cuddled up. So maybe the song of the day is, "I'd do anything for you, dear, anything, for you dear, anything for you!" from Oliver I think it was. You may not have known this, but I pretty much have songs in my head most of the time.

So there you are. True confessions.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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