Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Cheery Pair, We Are

Text this morning from Chris: Becky I thought Mom appeared much more swollen Sunday. She is swollen in her face, neck and hands. She hardly looks like Mom. Dad has noticed it too. She eats fine, chewing OK. We are just both sensing a decline.

Later I received email from Chris, "Becky the tears are just a rolling this Monday AM again. As I drove out of Dad's drive yesterday I was struck by how too-large the place seems now with just Dad there. It hit me that I will probably never see our Mother there again, and she is everywhere on that hill. I walked by her hollyhocks walking Sam and was admiring their pine grove she has tended to faithfully. This really sucks and I need love and hugs so bad. Jen just sent me an I love you from school via text and I told her it couldnt have come at a better time. I just think I somehow keep on my game face while I'm down south with them but either I get tired or just have too much time for reflection when I get home and the sadness overwhelms me. This SUCKS! I'm sorry. I will go walk the dogs and not bring you into my depression cellar."

And in response to some blurbs about Amy and Chaz Miller that I'd found on the Muskingam College website, chatty things about where they are and what they're doing now, Chris wrote, "Chris Richards is working on keeping her sanity and trying to locate the meaning in her life!"

Yes, she and I are a real cheery pair these days.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. From Chris: I think God might have made it this way so we can't lean on our parents forever but have to strive harder to better ourselves and continue their legacy down through our own children. Problem with that, people have stopped having kids and we spoil the ones we do have to death!
