Friday, December 23, 2011

"Sleep with Angels"

I'm home safe and sound, with Benji, who did great on the trip.  That's a long trip.  We started at 4 AM yesterday, took a taxi to the Burbank airport which was a joy compared to LAX.  Then, an hour from Burbank to Las Vegas.  Benji could not understand why we didn't get off the plane when it stopped, but the attendant was nice and let him have his head out of the case to stretch.  Then four and a half hours from Las Vegas to Columbus, where Chris was waiting to take us to Cambridge, another two hours with the Columbus traffic.  I'd not eaten since breakfast, but Chris had a smoothie and nuts waiting.  And we stopped at The Forum in Cambridge for dinner, then went to Autumn.

Charlie and Susan were there, but Dad had just left.  Mother lays in her low bed completely still except for her breathing, which is erratic.  Her swelling seemed less than when I saw her on Skype, but that happens with no liquid intake.  I held her hand and kissed and stroked her, but got no response I could be sure of.  Her eyelids flickered a little and I thought her limp hand moved once, but I couldn't be sure.  She had been silent except for once yesterday morning.  When Nurse Jessica asked how she was doing, she said, "Not too good."

We visited with Charlie and Susan a little bit, in the hallway, then said goodbye.

When Chris went in she said, "Good night, Mom. I love you." and to her surprise Mom replied, "I love you too."  Chris said, "Sleep with Angels," and Mom said, "I will."

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