Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Still Out Of Commission

I had vertigo again this morning so have been home from work again. I think it's a bug though because I seem to be running a low grade fever. The vertigo has not been as bad as yesterday but is lasting longer into the day. I've asked my friend Ryan from work to come walk Benji and he is glad to help out.

Mother continues to be worse. She has not been conscious for many hours now and can no longer take liquids. They have begun oxygen as comfort care. Chris was there all day but sent Dad home after a while because he was too emotionally distraught. They had dinner with Charlie and Susan and were back at Autumn but heading home for some rest.

Here is a great pic I snapped on the couch today. I took pillows and comforter there because the view off the balcony is nicer there, looking out to the side of a green ravine. It was a pretty day here but we missed it. Still my faithful companion has been very patient. He watched me curiously lurch around this morning so I think he understands I am not up to par.

This is one of those big-eyed Beanie babies. He asked me very nicely for it at the Tucson airport. We had seen them there before and I said no, but this time he just asked so nice and looked so longingly that I gave in.

Seriously, he looked at them and at me and said, "Mom I really still do like those guys and I'll be good with it. I promise I won't destroy him or destuff him or anything. So please can't I have just one????? Hmmmmmmmm???"

He did already chew the nose off though.

and another

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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