Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Cake and The Road to Heaven

From David:

"Kayla has a 'how to' speech to do and wanted to make pumpkin pie cake for it. I got down the recipe book that mom made up for me for xmas a few years ago, opened it up and there was a picture of her and dad in much happier times. I immediately started crying like a baby. Part of me wonders, somewhat hopefully, when that book won't render such a response. Another much less manly part of me secretly hopes it always does."

And from me:

"Dave, what a wonder you are. I always knew you were one of the best men I knew.

I know, I spent a while on the phone with Chris this evening crying. She had some very frank talk with Mom today about Mom going to heaven and how much we're going to miss her, how lucky Chris feels to have shared so many good years with Mom and Dad. They talked about how Norma Knoch died at 43, and Daena in her 20's. We have been blessed with a lot of good years. Somehow that doesn't seem to make them easier to let go of. It just doesn't seem fathomable that we have to go on without her, and that she doesn't get to go on with us. It's that trick of God's that has made me mad ever since about fifth grade. Why make us sentient and able to look around and wonder about ourselves, but not give us the answers, let us see what it's all about? Why make us wonder, but leave us in the dark? My idea of heaven will be answers to all of those questions, the ability to look past every mental wall, and the ability to watch all of human history like it's TV - but I get to decide what to watch, with no closed doors.

Love you,


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