Wednesday, November 23, 2011

News of the Day

I decided to go to Tucson for Thanksgiving, not to Ohio, after all.  I reconsidered when the flight rates dropped, but still decided not to put myself through the long travel on this holiday weekend.  It would set me back, healthwise, and emotionally, and I have started to more forward in both respects.  And Mother doesn't even want to talk to me by phone lately, she is so poorly.

Chris says she took a little yogurt and water for her this morning, but is very sleepy.  Pray for Chrissy's little Sammie, her Papillon.  They think he may have a dislocated hip and he is in a huge amount of pain.

Just got this note from Jane Patty, ""Becky we are half way to Ohio, Mom is tolerating the ride, she's trying to hide how much pain she's in. We'll be there soon."

I wish I had known they were still planning to come - that may have swayed me.  But it's probably best this way.  I told Chris I feel badly about not coming for Thanksgiving and Amy's wedding and she said, "I don't think we'll be having too good a Thanksgiving this year, anyway."  I said, "All the more reason I should be there."  Life sucks sometimes, doesn't it?

Benny and I will experience the joy of LAX at Thanksgiving this afternoon and will be home this evening through Sunday.  My friend Page and I will be having a meal together tomorrow and I hope to hike with Tamera and Kevin, other friends.  And hopefully see Karen and Kendra and get some work done at the house.  And piano practice.  And massage/chiro/acupuncture. And a haircut.  And yoga.  (my legs are still screaming from the hills near the apartment here)

And rest, lots of good rest in my own bed.

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