Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I like it here! (from Benji)

Mom found us a great haven!  It's really quiet and beautiful here, and interesting with lots of dogs.  I can look out the sliding glass door to the pool area and the ravine beyond because we're on this big steep hill.  It's all green and lush.  It hurts Mom's legs to take me walking around here, though, but she seems to be getting better at it already.  I want to run up the hill, but she can't keep up.  And I want to run down to Sunset Boulevard to see the sights and all the dogs and visit all the restaurants and shops.  I guess I've become a city dog because I really like that, now.

The floors in this place are nice and warm because Mom says they have heaters.  I hang out on the bathroom rug a lot, or in her closet where her smell is with all her clothes.  I like it there when she's gone at work.  I'm OK with that routine, already.  We have our rituals.  She gives me one-two-three cookies when she's leaving for a long time, like for work.  Then I know it's my turn to watch the house and I have to be a good boy and wait a long time before I can pee outside.  Then she comes and we walk right away and I get to explore the neighborhood as long as her legs hold out and it's not too cold.

Here is our new address through mid-April sometime. Mom says we'll be visiting Tucson, but staying most of the time here in West Hollywood.

1230 HORN AVE APT 515

There's lots of security here, too.  Everything has fences and locks and needs keys or buzzers.  And all the cars are underneath the apartments.

Here's a quick pic of our new place.  Mom says she knows she owes you guys some posts and will catch up soon.



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