Monday, February 9, 2009

Why I am Relocating - The Short Version, for those of you catching up

I have been looking to relocate since last winter, when the weather was so bad. I'd told myself the year before that if it was this bad again, I would have to go. And it was worse. I was losing the ability to function, care for myself, keep groceries in the house, do laundry, and get to work during the winters. I had missed so much work that I was starting to look towards a disability application if I stayed in Ohio. I decided to try warmer weather instead.

I had always said I would not go as long as my parents were in Ohio, but I had to do it for my own health and longevity. It was that bad that I was facing disability and having to take even more drugs than I already am, which already concerns me about the long-term effects and the effect on my longevity. My family has been stupendously supportive, as much as they hate to see me go. They know I need to do it for my health and have been as helpful as possible.

I am hoping that living in Tucson will keep me more at the level of health I've enjoyed in the last few summers. Since I've been doing acupuncture my level of fitness and mobility has improved a lot and I've even been able to hit a few golf balls without terrible consequences.
I have a job at Tucson Medical Center, doing the same sort of work I'd been doing in Columbus for Children's Hospital, using the same software and database. They paid my relocation costs, I thought, but it turns out that $8,000 is not enough, by a long shot. I start next week there.
My new contact info is -
Becky Miller
5051 N. Sabino Canyon Road, #2119
Tucson, AZ 85750

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan Salem, a friend from Copley high school says,

    "I didn't mention it yet, but I've been inspired by the way you handled a very difficult situation, and I think your new life in your new place is going to be nicer, and more interesting, and even if there are bumps, you have proven you are not a Chevy Vega, a Ford Pinto or some other cheap car that breaks at the first obstacle course.... no... you got some struts that hold you to the road and some throttle under the hood. (Ahem, imagery seems a little riske, but not intentional)

    Don't mess with this Beck! Give her no Heck! You'll be left in her smoke, that aint no joke!"
