Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekend Rod came to Tucson

(Sorry for the old post - I'm way behind with EVERYTHING! Luckily was able to get my taxes for those pension rollovers.)

2/13/2009 - This weekend Rod came down from L.A. on Friday and had car troubles on the way down. A warning light had appeared on the dash. Before he even arrived, I made calls and found a place to take it to and, since he hoped to leave Monday morning, we decided to take it right away to the shop.
On the way, the car broke down. Luckily I was following, and Rod has training in directing traffic. He was stopped dead, the first car at a red light, in the left-most of four lanes, in the left-most of two turn lanes.

Like the pro he actually is, he got out and started directing traffic behind us while I called the shop, their recommended tow service, then finally AAA who committed to come within the hour. Meanwhile, Rod with blue-tooth in ear, was directing all of the left-turn cars around us to the other left-turn lane. I updated him about the tow by cell phone as he did that – for about 50 minutes in quite busy traffic. With his insistent direction to all comers, the traffic flowed freely in spite of our block, and several people thanked him. Only two disobeyed his direction and my blinking hazard lights, and pulled up behind me before realizing what the trouble was.

Pics of my handsome, handsome, man.

Rod directing traffic, as seen from my rear-view mirror

Rod’s Disabled Car

Rod directing traffic, as seen from my rear-view mirror

That was our big adventure. The rest of the weekend was spent quietly, running errands, checking on his car, which did not get finished until Monday afternoon, so his return was later than he liked.
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