Monday, February 2, 2009

All Chilled Out

Have spent the week in LA with Rod and am all chilled out now: the physical move stress is behind me and my physical moving symptoms, including most bruises, are all healed now, too, and I am well rested.

Here are some shots of Rod's neighborhood and house.

I have been spending my time resting, reading, taking Senji for walks, and keeping Rod company in the evenings.

Here's Senji getting ready for her walk. As soon as you tell her she's going to get a walk, she runs for her toy basket and grabs a toy and runs around the house with it. No idea what this means to her, except fun. The toys are ignored at all other times.

Last night it was all about finding him a new cell phone real quick because his died. What a nightmare that is! They get you coming and going, and it's all such a bunch of game-playing with the contracts and prices. Everyone is angling to get the best deal, the vendors to trick us into buying something we don't want to buy, and we're trying to figure out the whole nightmare.

I can't wait until someone comes up with the "Saturn" of cell phones, you know, the brand without the games and nonsense others give you.

And standardization! Rod found out that all of the cords he uses now on his phone have been changed, so that buying the next version "up" meant buying a new car phone charger. The tech at AT&T told us there is no end in sight for that, either, no sign of standardization in the market. I feel for those guys working in the cell phone stores. They must just piss people off daily.

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