Sunday, April 29, 2012

To Ohio on the 8th

My company has not found my next consulting job yet but they are working on one at Sutter in Sacramento where I was last Spring, and liked it a lot.

I thought I should give myself time to recover and rest before flying off again, and catch up on things here. My yard looks like no one lives here, but the inside of the house is very nice now, and so quiet and restful after LA.

So I booked my flight home for next week, Tuesday the eighth. I will be coming into Cleveland this time, renting a car, and staying at Chris's at first. Then I will make the rounds. I didn't book the return trip yet so I plan to visit for a while.

I know being home is going to kill me all over again, with Mom not being there. The others are probably getting more used to that, but for me it will be freshly painful.

When Benji voiced his concerns while I was packing in LA, I tried to comfort him by saying it was
going to be alright, that we would go to Ohio and visit Grandpa and Bandit. That's what my brain was thinking, but what came out of my mouth was "Grandma and Grandpa". The old neural pathways kicked in, and then I just bawled and bawled, doing nothing to reassure Benji. Then he had to worry about me in addition to supervising the packing. No wonder he has been a tired pup.

This week I plan to unpack, sew, catch up on things around the house, visit friends, and study for my technical certifications.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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