Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Glowing Optimism from Brother Dave

His response to my last post:

I’ve been thinking along similar lines. When I first started in this business you could plan on a certain amount of annual increase and had a good idea of what other positions made and I had a grand plan of where I was and where I was going complete with planned annual dollar amounts at age 30, 40 and 50. That has really leveled out and expectations have really dropped over the last 4-5 years. Annual increases are no longer a given, bonuses can and are restructured whenever convenient or necessary for the employer and upper management positions are eliminated more often than any others so opportunities to move up are fewer and less appealing due to the risk that comes along with them. I’ve gone from thinking I’d have a nice retirement package at 54-55 and ride off into the sunset to enjoy life like dad did only with more money to thinking I’ll probably be working until I can’t anymore.
It really does make you wonder where we’re going as a society and what this world will be like when we leave it to the next generation. I have to say I am not at all optimistic and unfortunately neither are my two oldest kids.

David Miller
Branch Manager

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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