Sunday, April 29, 2012

Benji to the vet again

Benji has been a little off, but not all-out sick like he was the last time we visited the vet. He had another episode of phlegmy breath, vomiting, reverse sneezing and acting punk. So I thought I should face it and get him checked for Valley Fever. Last time, the vet said that would be in order if his symptoms continued. We will have results by Wednesday. She said some of these are allergy or indigestion symptoms, as well, and she gave me detailed instructions for using Pepcid and Benadryl to help his symptoms. The soreness and unwillingness to move like he gets, off and on, is classic Valley Fever. She says it is very treatable, but the effects in each dog vary a lot.

It's expected to be in the nineties today and all week. It has already been over 100, breaking records for April. But I have not needed air conditioning or the evaporative cooler. Fans do just fine in our cool adobe brick house, at these temperatures.

I have begun unpacking but am mostly resting and doing my health appointments. I am still off kilter and Angelica my acupuncturist is helping to get me on track.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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