Monday, April 9, 2012

Great Photo of Mother

My cousin Pam sent me a photo she found of Mother and Grandma Swain in her Grandma Mimi's slides, apparently at a wedding shower for Aunt Peggy and Uncle Larry, probably in the spring of 1959 the year before I was born.  The little girl in the photo is Cheryl Swain.

Doesn't it look like a slice from the TV show Mad Men?

Isn't Mother lovely?


  1. Becky,
    What a great picture...your Mom was so beautiful, and elegant!!! I remember thinking when I grew up I was going to wear cute short sets like she did. Midriff top and all. My favorite was the brown gingham one with the design around the bottom of the midriff top. She always had a elegant grace about herself, (speech, laugh, walk).
    I love Grandma's hat!!!! I still think she looks odd with dark hair!!! I miss them!!!
    Wonder if that's Mimi's house or Pam's Grandma's? I would love to see the rest of the pictures!!! Thanks for sharing! Lori

  2. I remember that shorts outfit, too, brown gingham! Thanks for the sweet words. I always thought your Mom looked like the movie stars in Shirley Temple movies, with her dark hair and light blue eyes.

  3. Becky,
    I think my Mom would have made a beautiful movie star, or pin-up girl too!!! I often wondered what would have happened if she met Clark Gable in Akron. He worked at Firestone before he went to Hollywood!!! Wouldn't that have been a hoot?
    Your parents were a striking couple!!! You could tell they were deeply in love. We're a lucky bunch of kids to have such great gene's.
    Hope all is well. Do you know where you'll go next?
    I've been doing Yin Yoga at the gym. It's more holding softer positions for a long period of time. It helps to align your body, back the way it should be. Very relaxing!!! If you get a chance to try!!! xoxoxo
